76 research outputs found

    La indización de artículos científicos con el sistema de indización automática SISA comparada con la indizaicón en las Bases de datos Agricola, WoS y SCOPUS

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    Since some years the generation of digital documents is enormous as well as its massive incorporation to the information systems and both realities seem unstoppable. Likewise, there is no doubt that indexing is one of the fundamental processes executed in documentary units. Although the first investigations in automatic indexing began decades ago this subject continues to raise interest. Since then different proposals and methodologies have been presented. SISA is a multilingual automatic indexing system for scientific articles based on heuristic and statistical principles governed by rules based on these principles. Objective. In this described context of constant digital increase, it is sought to know the SISA capabilities in the automatic indexing of articles in relation to how they do it in the Agricola, WOS and SCOPUS databases. Material and method. One hundred articles published in different years by the journal Agronomy for sustainable development were randomly selected, the indexing assigned to the articles in the mentioned databases was located, the documents were indexed with SISA, the different indexing were compared and they were calculated the consistency between Agricola and SISA

    Sistema para la Indización Semi-Automática (SISA) de Artículos de Revista de Biblioteconomía y Documentación

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    We present a semi-automatic indexing system for journal articles on Librarianship and Information Science. The system uses a set of sources and heuristics to propose the indexing terms

    Evaluación de la Biblioteca Pública de Valencia mediante la técnica encadenada de 'grupos de discusión' y 'encuesta'

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    We evaluated the services of the Valencia Public Library (VPB) through opinion from users. For it two discussion groups were created involving ten people in total. The results of the discussion groups were used to make a pilot survey and later a final survey was completed for four hundred VPB users. We conclude that VPB meets generally to the expectations of citizens, although there are areas for improvement such as schedules, better information and services activities and signage, among other aspects. It also confirms the chained system survey-focus groups as an enhanced system that optimizes the design of the survey

    El acceso a la información pública: estudio de casos de Brasil, España y Portugal; Access to public information: study of cases of Brazil, Spain and Portugal

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    Discusses the rules on access to public information in Brazil, Spain and Portugal, as well as the availability that citizens have to consult this information through the municipal websites. For it all municipalities were grouped into six population ranges from 1.001 to 5.000 the smallest and greater than 100.000 the biggest; thirty municipalities were randomly selected for each population band. Later, were visited their websites to know the diffusion that is carried out of minutes of the municipal plenary session, edicts and decrees, municipal regulation (ordinances, regulations), budgets or regulation pending. We conclude that Brazil, Spain and Portugal require a unified law on access to public information and that portuguese municipalities provide more administrative and legislative information to their citizens that Brazilian and Spanish

    Evaluation of controlled vocabularies by inter-indexer consistency

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    Introduction. Several controlled vocabularies are used for indexing three journal articles to check if with a list of descriptors are achieved better or equals of consistency rates that with a standard thesaurus and augmented thesaurus. Method. A set of terminology of Library and Information Science was used to build a list of descriptors with equivalence relations (USE and UF), a standard thesaurus and a augmented thesaurus (all the descriptors have scope notes). Subsequently, three articles were indexed by selected indexers who had varying degrees of experience – on the one hand Library and Information Science students and on the other, professionals from various documentation centres. Hooper’s measure to find the consistency between pairs of novice indexers and experts has been applied. Analysis. Data were tabulated and analysed systematically according pairs of novice indexers and experts has been applied. Results. The tool with the best results is the list of descriptors (39.5% consistency), followed by the augmented thesaurus (29.8%) and, with an almost identical value, the standard thesaurus (27.5%). Conclusion. It is concluded that the list of descriptors in both groups returns better indexing consistency but we need more research

    La indización de artículos científicos con el sistema de indización automática SISA comparada con la indizaicón en las Bases de datos Agricola, WoS y SCOPUS

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    Since some years the generation of digital documents is enormous as well as its massive incorporation to the information systems and both realities seem unstoppable. Likewise, there is no doubt that indexing is one of the fundamental processes executed in documentary units. Although the first investigations in automatic indexing began decades ago this subject continues to raise interest. Since then different proposals and methodologies have been presented. SISA is a multilingual automatic indexing system for scientific articles based on heuristic and statistical principles governed by rules based on these principles. Objective. In this described context of constant digital increase, it is sought to know the SISA capabilities in the automatic indexing of articles in relation to how they do it in the Agricola, WOS and SCOPUS databases. Material and method. One hundred articles published in different years by the journal Agronomy for sustainable development were randomly selected, the indexing assigned to the articles in the mentioned databases was located, the documents were indexed with SISA, the different indexing were compared and they were calculated the consistency between Agricola and SISA

    Keywords given by authors of scientific articles in database descriptors

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    This paper analyses the keywords given by authors of scientific articles and the descriptors assigned to the articles in order to ascertain the presence of the keywords in the descriptors. 640 INSPEC, CAB abstracts, ISTA and LISA database records were consulted. After detailed comparisons it was found that keywords provided by authors have an important presence in the database descriptors studied, since nearly 25% of all the keywords appeared in exactly the same form as descriptors, with another 21% while normalized, are still detected in the descriptors. This means that almost 46% of keywords appear in the descriptors, either as such or after normalization. Elsewhere, three distinct indexing policies appear, one represented by INSPEC and LISA (indexers seem to have freedom to assign the descriptors they deem necessary); another is represented by CAB (no record has fewer than four descriptors and, in general, a large number of descriptors is employed; in contrast, in ISTA, a certain institutional code towards economy in indexing, since 84% of records contain only four descriptors

    Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia 1973-2001

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    Se presenta la proyección de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia mediante el análisis de su producción científica desde 1973 hasta 2001 inclusive, a partir de los artículos de revista y las comunicaciones a congresos disponibles en las principales bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Se ha analizado la productividad y distribución temporal, por tipo de documento y por idioma, así como la producción científica por autores y por departamentos, identificando los más productivos. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado la distribución y evolución de la literatura científica, indicando aquellas revistas más utilizadas. Los resultados indican, como aspectos más relevantes, una amplia gama de áreas temáticas cubiertas, el incremento anual constante de la productividad científica, así como una amplia presencia en las revistas con factor impacto.This article studies the scope of Polytechnic University of Valencia through the analysis of its scientific output since 1973 until 2001 based on the journal articles and conference papers available in the most relevant national and international databases. We analyze its productivity and time layout, according to the kind of document and language, as well as the scientific output by authors and departments, showing those most outstanding regarding productivity. On the other hand, we have researched the distribution and layout of scientific literature, pointing out the most used journals. The results show as the most relevant aspects a wide range of themes covered, the constant annual increase of scientific productivity, as well as a wide use of international journals with impact.Alonso Arroyo, Adolfo. [email protected]

    Indización automática de artículos científicos sobre Biblioteconomía y Documentación con SISA, KEA y MAUI

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    This article evaluates the SISA (Automatic Indexing System), KEA (Keyphrase Extraction Algorithm) and MAUI (Multi-Purpose Automatic Topic Indexing) automatic indexing systems to find out how they perform in relation to human indexing. SISA’s algorithm is based on rules about the position of terms in the different structural components of the document, while the algorithms for KEA and MAUI are based on machine learning and the statistical features of terms. For evaluation purposes, a document collection of 230 scientific articles from the Revista Española de Documentación Científica published by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) was used, of which 30 were used for training tasks and were not part of the evaluation test set. The articles were written in Spanish and indexed by human indexers using a controlled vocabulary in the InDICES database, also belonging to the CSIC. The human indexing of these documents constitutes the baseline or golden indexing, against which to evaluate the output of the automatic indexing systems by comparing terms sets using the evaluation metrics of precision, recall, F-measure and consistency. The results show that the SISA system performs best, followed by KEA and MAUI.Este artículo evalúa los sistemas de indización automática SISA (Automatic Indexing System), KEA (Keyphrase Extraction Algorithm) y MAUI (Multi-Purpose Automatic Topic Indexing) para averiguar cómo funcionan en relación con la indización realzada por especialistas. El algoritmo de SISA se basa en reglas sobre la posición de los términos en los diferentes componentes estructurales del documento, mientras que los algoritmos de KEA y MAUI se basan en el aprendizaje automático y las frecuencia estadística de los términos. Para la evaluación se utilizó una colección documental de 230 artículos científicos de la Revista Española de Documentación Científica, publicada por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), de los cuales 30 se utilizaron para tareas formativas y no formaban parte del conjunto de pruebas de evaluación. Los artículos fueron escritos en español e indizados por indizadores humanos utilizando un vocabulario controlado en la base de datos InDICES, también perteneciente al CSIC. La indización humana de estos documentos constituye la referencia contra la cual se evalúa el resultado de los sistemas de indización automáticos, comparando conjuntos de términos usando métricas de evaluación de precisión, recuperación, medida F y consistencia. Los resultados muestran que el sistema SISA funciona mejor, seguido de KEA y MAUI
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